Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Objective

Trafficking isn't really an interest of mine. With Youtube the more subs the merrier, the more comments the merrier, and the more likes/dislikes the merrier. That mindset doesn't really apply here, this is about the preservation of my ideas and thoughts, which isn't reliable in the sole hands of a site like Youtube. While I'm not divorcing from making videos, I'm looking for an alternative that's relevant. We've all created an account we really didn't need. This year I signed-up for an Instagram account, but I didn't really need nor like it. I'm still trying to get used to all the intricacies of blogger and how to present a blog. My plan is to Blog only in days where I'm not working out. This will mean Fridays through Sundays. 

I also have a sub-objective at the moment, which is promoting another ten page essay I'm working on titled "Unholy Amalgamation". This is a title I've been working on since Christmas break started, however I intend to edit it for any grammatical errors or inconsistencies. This won't be an ambitious project, but it will certainly be useful for those who've followed my Youtube page over the years and have seen the changes in my ideas and who I associated with. It even features some of my personal life stories and struggles, even though they're not much considering this is the first world it does paint a clear picture, or at least I hope it does. All in all it seems that 2013 will be just like 2011 in the sense that I'll be tackling multiple lines of work instead of just Youtube in order to outline a basic understanding of my thoughts.

Once I get started on my fitness plan and finishing "Unholy Amalgamation", this blog will be the most popping thing I've ever done. There's no doubt in the world that my blog is written by and written for Real Niggas. I wasn't kidding when I said that if you like my Youtube that you'll love my Blogger work. Now that this comic relief and mental masturbation is complete, I'll get started on finishing everything else.

You'll Find us Everywhere, We're Mobbing

Looking at the chaos that is Youtube, I sought refuge in my own Blogger account. Like all sites that market themselves for a large population, Youtube's attempts to police it's own site for order usually creates more chaos. Furthermore the mass flaggers and political-correctness are severely-undesirable. Here I have a little more power over what happens to my work and who can comment. If you like my Channel, you will probably love my blog. The subjects are identical. The presentation however is a noticeably more gothic.

"You'll find us everywhere, we're mobbing". That's the mentality of the local inner-city gangs in Uptown, New York (Especially in the east side). The younger gangs aren't nearly as hierarchical as the older gangs (Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings). These newer gangs are mass-organized movements (Yg'z, Yb'z, Oy). They're a bunch of punks trying to get money, get material things and get laid. The irony is that they speak like they're promoting good virtues and a masculine drive, when for the most part it's the other way around.

Despite this, I've adopted this mentality as well. You'll find guys like me everywhere, too. Some of us might not speak up as much, but we're present in this world. We're not trying to start a movement, but we do have a drive towards reality. If it means anything at all it's that the only way out of this fantasy world is if you yourself choose to walk out of it. It's only easier said than done. So many people confidently say they want to find the truth, but when they see a nasty side to it they revert to fetal position and get knocked to infancy and hysteria. It's happened to me too, maybe it's happened to you. Regardless if you want to get out, you'll soon find yourself walking through the inferno looking for an exit.

Hopefully you'll enjoy this blog. I'll find a schedule that works for me so that I can make at least one interesting blog post every week. Until then, this is Youtube's Misterwonka7 and suck my dick.