Friday, November 29, 2013

World of Aryanism

Pan-Seccessionism sounds like a step in the right direction, however it doesn't always correspond with reality. A region with a 100% black demographic isn't necessarily going to worship gods modeled after black people; The same goes for Oriental mongoloids. There is some degree of Aryanism outside of the west, and it's much stronger than you might think.

When I think about Hinduism, I usually think of guys that look like Apu from The Simpsons. That's just what comes to mind. The Hindu caste system actually leans in favor of Aryanism. When I think of the religion of Islam I think about guys that look like French Montana, yet the upper sects of Islam are really White. Mohammed himself was a ginger. Come to think of it, most prophets in non-western religions had Aryan features too.

The idea I'm going for isn't "White Man's Burden" liberal imperialism. Rather I'm showcasing that there are objective aesthetics that pan-seccessionism doesn't take into account. There's a reason that most Black Nationalists like to claim that white civilizations like Egypt are actually their own. There's a reason that black Jesus (even though Jesus wasn't necessarily Aryan) became a relevant meme decades ago.

The concept of an Aryan race has been corrupted by Liberalism to mean Dravidian blacks. It also a received a necessary exaggeration by Hitler at the time as a reaction to the demographic/socio-economic corruption Germany had to endure at the time. Under Hitler's standards, Slavs weren't considered white. Aryanism itself isn't as mythologized in The West, but it's proven to be relevant wherever mankind exists.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Written in Blood

Civilization is rooted in savagery. Savagery alone doesn't make for a civilized man, but it forms an integral role in shaping him. Take Lions for example: The "King of The Jungle" is almost always overthrown. One of the greatest republics was formed from the overthrow of the monarch; The same republic became one of the greatest empires via the overthrow of the dictator. Hierarchy at it's most raw is Mufasa, Simba, and Scar all playing their part in the Circle of Life.

The modern system uses Democracy as a means of preventing this process. President's are assassinated, but presidents merely serve as puppets. Things like the French Revolution, or the American revolution could never happen now: Who would we target? The White House? Wall Street? Hollywood? Golden Dawn was praised by the Reactosphere for killing an anti-fascist rapper; That's cool, but the corrupt haven't been punished yet. Many of the Brahmin activists have no Savagery in them; They're responsible for a lot of bad things, but they're effeminate pushovers.

No monarchs, no aristocrats: For anyone interested in a coup d'etat this is a predicament. Even Anarchists are confused right now; The Marxists have no direction, all they have are their universities and Tumblr. Neoliberalism and Neoconservatives both run the game. It's television that feeds on the status quo. If history is still written in blood, it's hard to decide who's blood it will be.

Fascism looks like it will need revitalization. If not Fascism, then something similar. We need something that can strike multiple targets, multiple groups of corruption. I'm not sure if it's an ideology or a movement, but we need it.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Totality of The American Left

Democracy is one thing; At it's best it was American's Aristocratic Republic. Capitalism is one thing; at it's best it was the British Empire. Around this sphere of the right wing, both these things can be questioned, but together they're undoubtably malignant. Democratic-Capitalism is destroying The United States, yet it's also introducing a new element to liberalism: Totalitarianism.

Totalitarianism is generally applicable to centrist/left-wing reaction. Liberalism isn't usually met with the concept of Totality. Totalitarianism can either mean instituting equality, or turning every institution into one body. All institutions are gradually becoming more politicized; Every creative medium and artistic form of expression is following suit.

In what other era would we care about a Chicken Sandwich joint's opinion of Gay Marriage? The secondary goal of every business nowadays is to represent its thede. Starbucks depends upon it's Brahmin consumers in order to thrive as a business, so they sell Beatles albums and hire dykes.

Academia is less concerned with giving students skills and more concerned with propaganda. The student is propagated to be the revolutionary consumer. The very concept of the citizen has been replaced with the consumer; no longer is the civilian given true duties and responsibilities, for he is merely a bookmark for the producer. Purchasing a product is commonly drawn as voting with your currency. Voting is no longer a civic duty in Trans-democracy, but a mere assertion.

Healthcare is being pushed as our Nation's biggest economic issue. What was once a matter of Fraternal Societies is now a pressing economic matter; As consumers it's easy for us to take something as simple as housing, higher education, and currency investments and turn it into a political dilemma.

The main issue with this strand of Totality vs other strands is simple: Nationalism is now considered largely evil, therefore the body formulated exists to protect an isolated peoples; not a nation, rather a country. While The West is largely suffering a demographic problem in it's major cities, the interests of the people are to mask the problem with democratic-capitalist reform.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Unexamined World

Socrates said that the unexamined life isn't worth living; I want to take that one step ahead: The unexamined world isn't worth living. My biggest fear is becoming like Jacque Fresco or Nelson Mandela: They're still alive with 90+years to boot, but their worldview sucks. They had all this time to become Emperors of Right Wing darkness, yet they chose a different route. Baby Boomers are nearing the end (finally), yet they still have time to make amends.

One of the biggest critiques of Neon Genesis Evangelion is that Shinji is undergoing so much internal struggle, yet it has little to do with Mankind's Demise. He literally learns nothing about his father's Instrumentality plot, Seele, or the corruption of Nerv. This would be okay if he was a side character, but he's the main character. At one point his role becomes that of a GOD and he doesn't even know it.

Most Liberals would agree with everything that I said in the first paragraph, while being the biggest perpetrators of this delusion. The life of a liberal is the life of a perpetual dream in the low church, and perpetual decadence in the high church. They want Michael Jackson betas and John Lennon Alphas; They want the ambiguously weak and the meaninglessly strong.

Contemplate on your life choices, but also look into the external world. The answers that you're looking for may be on the outside. This advice isn't just something I found on a fortune cookie.