Friday, August 23, 2013

The Nature of Social Justice

This is becoming a fallback topic for me: Social Justice movements change with each passing generation, and develop into different waves. This stuff is canonical to anything you might read about in the manosphere, but it gets a little deeper. For now, I want you to notice a pattern.

It starts out first-wave feminism's goal of giving Women property rights and suffrage, then it proceeds to Second wave feminism's goal of throwing a massive number of females into the workforce and enforcing sexual harassment lawsuits while bringing reproductive rights into modern discussion, lastly it's third-wave feminism's goal of gender fluidity and broadening the definition of rape, and the introduction of women into the military. 

For Gay rights activism it's a little more simple. There's the decriminalization of Sodomy, followed by the urge to serve in various institutions while being openly revealing their sexuality, and now Gay marriage which is America's favorite public concern and media distraction. 

What we can see is that it becomes more and more democratized as more generations pass. What liberalism passes as freeing the chains, is nothing more than totality. Postmodernism and liberalism doesn't move past the slave-Master relationship, the game is still being played, rather it's being played on a dysgenic scale. 

Females having an institutional edge over males means an end to monogamy, along with the future of the institution of marriage if same sex marriage spreads throughout Western Civilization. The same could have been said about Romantic Love's affects on marriage, yet that's another story. The point being that we're going to be seeing a collapse of everything on an institutional level, and on a voluntary level. Henceforth why there's a rise in Single Parenting, extended adolescents, a decline in the birthrate, and foster children. Social atomism is on a rise, and everyone is suffering from it.

For those of you that are curious, there's a reason that I left out the race issue. It's a bunch of movements from different minorities working together like cartilage. Ain't nobody got time for dat. We already know the dysgenic effects of Race mixing recklessly; I'm not even speaking in terms of reproduction, I'm also talking about the mixing of cultures and mere association without the proper slave-Master relationship being taken into account. Morever the rise in Dalits, Helots and other foreign casts becomes more than just a cultural issue.

Granted, there's always political reaction against any social justice movement. The issue is whether or not the reaction is traditional, or eugenic. The former being essential to fully repair the faults of the modern social justice movement, while the other is more immediate, yet can ultimately lead to the same results taken out of moderation.

Ultimately the rise in democracy, secularism, and polyamory can only manifest itself negatively. I don't think "IT'S HAPPENING", but it could be that bad.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Don't get me wrong, I detest nanny-statism with every fiber of my being. The modern statist is the consequence of post enlightenment ideals, after all government (not the same thing as The State) that serves the people can only corrode the people. With that being said Anti-Statists are in the wrong about a very useful institution. 

If governments are institutions that possess the chains for the masses, The State possesses the whips for the masses. Violence isn't a necessary evil, nor is it a malleable accident, but rather it's a neutral force that only has moral substance in what it's being used for; The same function goes for The State. Statism is an exemplary device not only for defensive purposes, but also for ambitious ones. It's about time we start seeing The West return to its imperial passions instead of this globalistic, egalitarian knock-off.

That passion still remains, as we use the iron hands of The State to destroy our own wealth. Unfortunately, this only compels those that remain faithful to the spirit of The West to fantasize of The Happening. NWO Martial Law, Armageddon, A race war, A failed economic state, even a zombie apocalypse: That's the new Western fantasy. When the iron hands of violence (The State) aren't appropriated for good, the good will want it gone.

In my blog "Nerdism and Property" I revealed my thoughts on NAP,Primary-Directive, Formalistic jargon; At the same time, I neglected to tackle the White Nationalist motto of "Whites for white nations, Blacks for Black Nations, and Asians for Asian Nations", Whilst I still have my nationalistic sympathies all these principles unrealistically neglect that might makes right. No, the U.S making Somalia its colony isn't advantageous or intellingent, but there are places that I can think of that are.

Friday, August 2, 2013


Let's make it clear that might doesn't make right. After all, blunt force is no match for puritanical morality, or if the 50-shades-of-grey realm of Robert Greene is more to your liking then shallow displays of status trump all. Instead of investing all that energy into fulfillment and becoming the strongest, most complete version of yourself you should mutate into something that deviates far from your original role and spend that excess amount of energy in meaningless leisure.

Who needs to conquer the unconquerable when you can try every drug in the world? Who needs to try every drug in the world when you can try becoming every gender in the world (there's much more than just two, you know)? Who needs to do any of that when you can try all the flavors of Ben and Jerry's ice cream?

What better way is there to bring about this renaissance of orgies and high fructose corn syrup, than for us to bring in a working class of foreigners whom are not yet ready to let go of their past cultures and accept their new culture? We'll give them an early taste of our 21st century enlightenment. Of course, it's a little more complicated than that.