Friday, May 31, 2013

White Nationalism - Weaboos for Western Remnants

It's pretty obvious that I'm a supporter for a strong White Majority for Western Civilization; It's pretty obvious that I'm a strong advocate for Nationalism. Surprisingly, I'm not an advocate for White Nationalism. The ideology does hold true in the sense that Whites are being selectively shamed for their pride, and selectively brought into extinction, however those who advocate for White Nationalism spot the correct enemies, yet fail to advance from that analysis.

If reverse "racism" (a nonsense word) is inherently anti-white, then a reverse victim ideology is inherently anti-white as well. It's the nature of all Hierarchy that the victims don't get a voice. If rape is purely a women's issue, then that means that women don't get the voice, therefore their protectors are certainly male. The same could be said for White Nationalists, after all many of their solutions for building the White Race involve selectively breeding for attractive White children under the promise of financial stability, or some form of Welfare. Financial support isn't necessarily a bad thing, however when it becomes an incentive for genetically superior whites to become fap objects, then a problem starts to form.

I notice that White Nationalist youtube channels/Facebook pages tend to feature really photogenic females that are supposed to represent the pride of the White Race. There's a substantial difference between Pride and image worshipping. What White Nationalists tend to do is worship the really photogenic images of degenerate celebrities, whilst not even realizing whom they're drooling at. I saw a photo of a photoshopped/airbrushed Paris Hilton/Nicole Richie (I can't tell), that's supposed to celebrate the females of the White Race.

There's also a rise in Neo-Paganism, which is chock full of weirdos and furries all joining forces with Christianity to fight the common enemy. While Paganism was a valuable Religion in the past, Christianity is the priority. Christianity is the blueprint for Western Civilization, it doesn't matter if Whites used to be Pagan or not. The enemy of my enemy doesn't automatically become my friend. Call that absolutist, but decisions need to be made. White Nationalism doesn't have the standards necessary to call itself a legitimate movement/ideology.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Nerdism and Property

The Non-Aggression Principle is one of those codes of honor that gets carried out by the most naive of ideologues. The An-Caps, Voluntarists, Libertarians, and Anti-Statists are great examples. Now don't get me wrong these guys are perfect for identifying the reasonable corruption of various institutions, however the code of honor that they live by is remarkably unrealistic, and it's also remarkably irresponsible. An act of aggression for the greater good such as forcing someone into a straightjacket so they won't be able to shoot up heroine anymore would be principally immoral under these premises. This simplistic individualism they hold on to has been critiqued by various left-wing, liberal, progressive douchebags, but it has also been critiqued by those of the radical-right wing such as Bulbasaur

The thing with the NAP that shouldn't be neglected is that it's reliant on the Self-Ownership Principle. The idea that because individuals own themselves and act of aggression upon another individual is principally a crime. This is usually applied to protect the individual from the state, but can also be applied to various other institutions, collectives, or even other individuals. With that being said the NAP is pretty brilliant as an idea, as it can be applied to various subjects and issues, and still be a relevant principle. Those that support the NAP however, tend to be a little lazy on how they apply it. It's still a worthless principle.

With that being said The NAP reminds me of another principle that's held and discussed amongst a similarly nerdy group known as The Prime Directive. In the show Star Trek, the most important rule of Star Fleet is that one must never get involved in the affairs of other Alien races. It's a principle that has been copied from again and again. From my childhood perspective I can remember it being in Kingdom Hearts, which also involves space travel. With that being said it's no wonder that Libertarian conventions, and Star Trek conventions hold similar groups of people lost in a fantasy world, because one's a derivative of the other.

Getting into the meat of this subject. There's one manifesto that's a derivative of the Libertarian An-Fap manifesto (amongst many others). That my friends is Formalism, An ideology founded by internet personality Mencius Moldbug, an ideology that's "designed by geeks for other geeks".  Formalism holds on to the idea that ownership must be defined and supplied clearly in order to avoid the initiation of violence. Therefore the formalist manifesto is that of the corporation, yet it has also become that of the monarchy, and even monarchy-inverted (cis-democracy). Seeing that Mencius has already engaged in live presentations of his views to his fans it's becoming increasingly clear that Moldbug is setting the stage for the next nerd gathering.

The problem with setting a new principle for a better civilization is that you're starting from the bottom, which is a losing battle. While the luxuries of post mortum west will fade, our prime concern will be in whomever takes control of this civilization whether it be Islam, Latin America, or the East Asians. The external threats need to become a priority. Instead of forming principles on how to avoid invading other people's boundaries, we formulate a way of protecting our own. That doesn't take principles, that takes real responsibility.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Undertaker's Return

Whilst Cena is on the injured list yet again, Rock is still resting from surgery, and Punk takes a respectable hiatus in order to nurse his injuries, Undertaker will be breaking his one-match-per-year sentiments in order to feud with The Shield. Taker has appeared in both Raw and Smackdown for this, making The Hounds of Justice a force to be reckoned with.

I dislike seeing older wrestlers cripple themselves, however The Undertaker is no joke; While his appearance may or may not be giving ratings a rise, his appearance may cause an increase in ticket sales and attendance. Seeing Taker make his entrance is no joke, especially now that it's such a rare occurrence. Not buying a ticket to mania, despite my location being advantageous is a choice based on my overall apathy of the program. Had the overall card been much better, my sunday, April 7th would have been a different story.

Dean Ambrose and his posse will once again catch the intrigue of smarks, and old school fans everywhere. For now, asking for anything more from this company will simply be looking into the wrong direction.

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday to me. I turn 18 the day this blog is scheduled to hit the interwebz.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Two Breeds of Leftists

Radical leftism doesn't deviate too far from Mainstream leftism. Mainstream leftism merely mentions ideals without revealing the logical conclusion. Values such as "Racial Equality" and "Gender Equality" aren't revealed to the universalists as attempts at destroying the foundation of civilization, rather they're described as a progression of society.

There are two ways of moving the leftist progression:

Social Justice: Atheism+, Feminism +, Anarchism+, are popular reiterations of this disease. The additives of social justice lead to one ideology becoming the next consecutive ideology. The social justice rhetoric leads to reverse shaming, that is shaming not out of love and the desire to preserve the civilization, but rather hatred and the desire to actively degrade it. For example if you call out a girl for indulging in sweets at diabetic proportions, she might call that fat shaming, then tell you to check your patriarchal privilege. At this point she just engaged in reverse-shaming, which would be justifiable for the sake of continuing the leftist narrative.

Vulgarity: Vulgar Libertarianism, Vulgar Atheism, and Vulgar Feminism stand out. By taking the said ideology to it's natural conclusion, the vulgar reiterations of these views manage to accept the negative consequences of these beliefs. One example would be a Libertarian saying that if someone wants to overdose on drugs, or eat himself into a high-fructose-corn syrup induced coma, then so be it. The complete indifference to the individual's well-being and ignorance to how it affects the collective is merely taking the idea to its vulgar conclusion.

Both methods are inter-changable due to the internally inconsistent nature of leftism. Going back to Feminism, one could shame those that shame female obesity, while understanding and accepting that their mode of thought justifies and exemplifies such a lifestyle. Politics is becoming more and more of a package deal. There are certainly leftists out there that don't hold on to such suicidal views. Marx would have opposed half of the shit we believe in nowadays, yet one must realize that words have consequences. The irresponsible crusaderism of Marx has inspired many other irresponsible thinkers to walk his path.