Friday, January 25, 2013

Change and Forward?

In the video "Flyswatting: President Obama" Youtube user Studentofobjectivism has described Barack Obama as a thinker who holds views opposite to the truth. In other words, if your position is the opposite of Barack Obama's position that's an indicator that your position is the correct one. While I'm not an Objectivist by any means I agree with that analysis to a large extent. The problem lies in the fact that in the leftist world truth is layered in entropy. While Barack Obama's Ivy League Marxism and progressivism are inferior to Ayn Rand's Objectivist mode of thought, they both hold narratives that contradict the complex and ordered narrative that has existed in the right wing.

Let me explain what I mean by complex: To be complex is to possess the artifice vital to prevent ourselves from rapidly changing and being melded by the natural world. It's becoming more and more clear that our monogamous breeding patterns, use of marriage and preferences for people that look more like use has slowed our evolution pattern more than other animals, however that loss in entropy has given us a more complex and stable conception of ourselves.

Contrast this with leftist policies that hold on to a narrative that wants us to speed up our evolution to the point of losing this stable and fixed conception of ourselves. Racial integration, Feminism/Marxism, LGBT equality, Ableism and other ideologies mentioned are just a means to an end. At one hand we can assume that the ultimate goal is Anti-Natalism/Efilism which seeks to end all life as a mark to end all suffering, or we can look towards something similar to instrumentality from Neon-Evangelion Genesis where the final stage of evolution is turning all life into a homogeneous ocean of orange semen.

Moving onto the original subject which is Barack Obama, what exactly is the deal with hope, change and forward? Barack Obama has created propaganda via an internet meme, and through Facebook nonetheless (Zuckerberg being another Harvard Ivy League fisher for the degenerates and puppet for Big Brother). All these words are just ways to arouse the masses that rely upon slave morality. Masses have always ultimately depended upon the idea that the future is a higher place, because the tribes and smaller civilizations didn't have this concept died from the depression and loss of hope.

It's come to this: Civilization is so atomized and depressed that people need to rely on an internet meme that the future might be a better place to function as better slaves to an elite that is no longer noble and sovereign, but has now fallen to degeneracy. The geniuses can tell that homogeneity is the long term goal at least in terms of intuition. However the narrative has become so manipulated by the left that our societies very best isn't moving against this movement, but rather actively working for it, or staying in the sideline.

The first thing you should take from all of this is that hope is a good thing. No hope equates to instant death and despair, you could literally fall over dead from a lack of hope, however moving forward and starting a change are completely different concepts. It seems that we should be moving backwards, rather than moving forward, and  instead of changing we should be reverting back to what we once were. Instead of becoming a more intricate and distinct group/nation/etc we are becoming more and more homogeneous and suffering a giant identity crisis because of it. 

So what should you hope for then? That's not a question I have a complete answer for, but you should be able to understand what has a complex, substantial value in your life. Protect it at all costs before it's too late, if it is too late on the other hand, it's best to abandon ship. Not everyone gets things right the first time, but so long as you're still alive you can make things right again. Just try to avoid institutionalized dick cheeses like Barack Obama who don't hold people like you to their best interest. By people like you I mean people that aren't his daughters, nor his wife. Try and think about that for a second.

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