Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cena vs Rock II

Everyone and their grandma predicted this, but not everyone has shown proper anger in regards to it. The Rock's victory over Cena at Wrestlemania 28 could not be their conclusive fight. The WWE will surely like to milk their successes last Wrestlemania and try to even Cena's record over The Rock, because god forbid you make Cena look inferior to The Rock in the pecking order. With Cena's victory at The Royal Rumble and The Rock picking up a victory over Punk at The Royal Rumble, their conflict is written in the stars. After all Cena already made up his mind on Raw who he's going to face and Punk clearly isn't going to win his rematch against Rocky.

Many Punk apologists say that Punk deserves better than to lose to a transitional champ like Dwayne. I'm pretty sure when Cena was making these grievances they weren't on his side, but now that Punk is the one that's losing his spotlight these Smart Marks are jumping to the other spectrum of the knee-jerk reaction. Hypocrisy is inevitable in a corrupted fanbase of fake-ass indie fanboys. Rock Fanboys are also on their bullshit talk, claiming that Rock being a bigger draw is better than having the 434 midcarder holding the title. While last raw did draw a 3.7 which didn't happen since perhaps Raw 1000, that's not an impressive draw, considering they were getting that in the late 2000's too and the company was on its Pg bullshit then too. Furthermore The Rock is another transitional champion anyway, he has to drop the title to Cena at the biggest show of them all because he needs to go back to his main gig.

I don't want to see this match again, granted I won't see this match again, because I'm not going to buy the ppv. I might get tickets to the show just for the experience of being in my second WWE show. Wrestlemania is not going to succeed from the main event, rather something needs to steal the show. Cue another Undertaker and Shawn Michaels, Rock vs Hogan, or any other non main-event match of that caliber. What I mean is that there needs to be a match on that card that's going to need to steal the show before the main event in order for this to work.

Cena and The Rock can't deliver. The Rock is much rustier than anyone involved in the product is willing to admit. These botches he makes keep fucking up the show, let's not forget these matches don't really deliver. John Cena's greatest match was against Lesnar at Extreme Rules for crying out loud. That's not in insult to Lesnar, but they didn't face off at a big four ppv; They faced off at a filler ppv for a filler matchup that was building up to nowhere for Cena. Rock fans are going to be pissed when they realize that Cena's walking out of this the winner, and if not: The third time is always the charm.

How fucked up can things get before the WWE decides to take some pride and control over their product? Nothing really has direction anymore, I can see what directions things are heading, but I can't see a properly woven plot anymore. Point A no longer connects to Point B, rather it crashes into it. Granted my pessimism should be considered a good thing. If I'm not pissed about what's happening it means that this company has fucked up to the point of disenfranchising me from it. This isn't the case at the moment, rather I'm getting dangerously close, moving to the point of having to rant my ass off about how badly they're building this road to Wrestlemania so far. I truly hope that the next eight weeks are moving to a prettier direction. It's come to me hoping again.

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