Friday, May 3, 2013

Two Breeds of Leftists

Radical leftism doesn't deviate too far from Mainstream leftism. Mainstream leftism merely mentions ideals without revealing the logical conclusion. Values such as "Racial Equality" and "Gender Equality" aren't revealed to the universalists as attempts at destroying the foundation of civilization, rather they're described as a progression of society.

There are two ways of moving the leftist progression:

Social Justice: Atheism+, Feminism +, Anarchism+, are popular reiterations of this disease. The additives of social justice lead to one ideology becoming the next consecutive ideology. The social justice rhetoric leads to reverse shaming, that is shaming not out of love and the desire to preserve the civilization, but rather hatred and the desire to actively degrade it. For example if you call out a girl for indulging in sweets at diabetic proportions, she might call that fat shaming, then tell you to check your patriarchal privilege. At this point she just engaged in reverse-shaming, which would be justifiable for the sake of continuing the leftist narrative.

Vulgarity: Vulgar Libertarianism, Vulgar Atheism, and Vulgar Feminism stand out. By taking the said ideology to it's natural conclusion, the vulgar reiterations of these views manage to accept the negative consequences of these beliefs. One example would be a Libertarian saying that if someone wants to overdose on drugs, or eat himself into a high-fructose-corn syrup induced coma, then so be it. The complete indifference to the individual's well-being and ignorance to how it affects the collective is merely taking the idea to its vulgar conclusion.

Both methods are inter-changable due to the internally inconsistent nature of leftism. Going back to Feminism, one could shame those that shame female obesity, while understanding and accepting that their mode of thought justifies and exemplifies such a lifestyle. Politics is becoming more and more of a package deal. There are certainly leftists out there that don't hold on to such suicidal views. Marx would have opposed half of the shit we believe in nowadays, yet one must realize that words have consequences. The irresponsible crusaderism of Marx has inspired many other irresponsible thinkers to walk his path. 

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