Friday, November 29, 2013

World of Aryanism

Pan-Seccessionism sounds like a step in the right direction, however it doesn't always correspond with reality. A region with a 100% black demographic isn't necessarily going to worship gods modeled after black people; The same goes for Oriental mongoloids. There is some degree of Aryanism outside of the west, and it's much stronger than you might think.

When I think about Hinduism, I usually think of guys that look like Apu from The Simpsons. That's just what comes to mind. The Hindu caste system actually leans in favor of Aryanism. When I think of the religion of Islam I think about guys that look like French Montana, yet the upper sects of Islam are really White. Mohammed himself was a ginger. Come to think of it, most prophets in non-western religions had Aryan features too.

The idea I'm going for isn't "White Man's Burden" liberal imperialism. Rather I'm showcasing that there are objective aesthetics that pan-seccessionism doesn't take into account. There's a reason that most Black Nationalists like to claim that white civilizations like Egypt are actually their own. There's a reason that black Jesus (even though Jesus wasn't necessarily Aryan) became a relevant meme decades ago.

The concept of an Aryan race has been corrupted by Liberalism to mean Dravidian blacks. It also a received a necessary exaggeration by Hitler at the time as a reaction to the demographic/socio-economic corruption Germany had to endure at the time. Under Hitler's standards, Slavs weren't considered white. Aryanism itself isn't as mythologized in The West, but it's proven to be relevant wherever mankind exists.

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