Friday, January 3, 2014

Why I'm Not a Reactionary

Reactionaries and I have so much in common: We both oppose the status quo, we both love patriarchy, we both love religion, and we both love political systems that manage the masses. Two important things separate me from the typical reactionary: 1. I don't mark any specific point in history as a metric unit for Western Civilization. 2. I don't use the truth that the masses are stupid as the main thesis for my arguments. The latter is much more significant as a point.

It's true that most people are in the left side of the bell curve. Cro-Mags rule in numbers. Politics is the art of curbing stupidity, but it's also the art of curbing corruption. If the latter is emphasized too much, then you may have honest people advocating for the centralization of the masses as a political force (Democracy) or them becoming individually autonomous (Anarchism). In this way the "people are stupid" argument does play a role.

Reactionaries (not all of them) unfortunately automatically assume the worst in the majority of people, which can cause them to undergo The Dunning Kruger effect. All of a sudden a political argument becomes "95% of people can't wipe their ass with the correct technique, therefore Democracy can't work". If they continue to polarize their viewpoints they may start assuming that 99% American's are Lady Gaga fans and that they make up the intellectual vanguard of their movement.

Most importantly, they may criticize useful movements/topics if they're not Reactionary enough. Evola himself has criticized fascism because of it's populistic nature. Movements that are attempting to protect The West may be deemed mediocre because they don't condemn the masses enough, or because they are appealing to the masses. Nazism sometimes gets heat because it sees The State as a means to an end for The Race, and not as The State itself.

A term like Paleoconservative or Traditionalist may describe me in a much better light. Despite that, I'm just a special snowflake; I don't use idealogical terms to identify myself. Why wouldn't I be a special snowflake? I'm sexy.

1 comment:

  1. I might be a tad reactionary....depends on the day. Sometimes I'm like "destroy the human race", others I'm like " seem cool...maybe not everyone sucks." Not quite a... sexy snowflake.
